Starfield Akila Activities
Talk to Saburo Okadigbo
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Saburo and offer to help to get a quest.
Talk to Clover
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Clover and offer to help to get a quest.
Talk to Tevin Anastas
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Tevin and offer to help to get a quest.
Talk to Borealus
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Borealus and offer to help to get a quest.
Talk to Katherine Luzion
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Katherine and offer to help to get a quest. Depending on your conversation, you may need to return at a later date to get the quest.
Talk to "Doc"
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Reliant Medical and offer to help to get a quest.
Talk to James Newill
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit James at his store and offer to talk to Seighart for the quest.
Talk to Frank Renick
Starts by an overheard comment.
No video, visit Frank at his store and offer to help with the Warlord to get the quest.
Talk to Manaia Adams
Starts when a guard mentions she's looking for discrete help.
No video, visit Manaia at the Astral Lounge and agree to help for a quest.
Talk to the Solicitor
Starts randomly walking through the Astral Lounge.
No video, talk to the person and get another activity.
Travel to Volii Chi
Starts talking to the solicitor.
No video, Travel to Volii Chi, board the ship and accept the Project.
Talk to Imogene
Starts after finishing the Ryujin quest line.
No video, go downstairs and speak with Imogene.
Examine the Mission Board
Starts after speaking with Imogene.
No video, walk over to your newly assigned office and check out the mission board.
Talk to Hamza
Starts at some point during the Ryujin quests.
No video, you'll find him near your office. Leads to "Balancing the Books."