Starfield Main Story Quests
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One Small Step

Having retrieved the artifact from the mines on Vectera, Professor Drake fights off invading pirates, takes the frontier and confronts the pirate leader at their base on Kreet, then continues on to New Atlantis to meet Constellation.

The quest starts immediately following character creation and ends after talking to Sarah at The Lodge.

The Old Neighborhood

After agreeing to join Constellation and being assigned a room, Professor Drake must accompany Sarah on her endeavors to retrieve an artifact from a UC Vanguard pilot.

The quest starts immediately upon completion of One Small Step and ends after the retrieved artifact has been added to the collection.

Back to Vectera

Professor Drake must head back to Vectera to collect Barret. When he discovers that Barret is no longer there, he must track him down and return him to The Lodge. In the process, the professor recruites both Lin and Heller as crew but doesn't assign them any duties.

The quest starts immediately upon completion of The Old Neighborhood and ends after returning Barret to The Lodge.

The Empty Nest

Professor Drake accompanies Sam to his home town of Akila City in the Freestar Collective where they must retrieve a map that shows the location of a local artifact.

The quest starts immediately upon completion of The Old Neighborhood and ends after returning Sam and the artifact to The Lodge.

Into the Unknown

Professor Drake finds Andreja and the artifact she was after, another artifact, and a Temple that grants a power.

The quest starts immediately upon completion of The Old Neighborhood and ends after to The Lodge and demonstrating the power.

All That Money Can Buy

Professor Drake accompanies Walter to Neon and assists in a transaction to purchase a stolen artifact and has to deal with the prior owner.

The quest starts after completing Into The Unknown and ends after taking off from Neon.


Upon lifting off from Neon after acquiring the artifact, Professor Drake runs into a new kind of ship calling themselves "Starborn" and makes a grav-jump escape back to New Atlantis.

The quest starts after after All That Money Can buy when encountering Starborn for the first time in orbit over Neon and ends after discussing the encounter with Constellation.

No video for this quest, it is included with All That Money Can Buy.
Further into the Unknown

Vladimir points Professor Drake towards two more artifacts.

The quest starts after after adding the artifacts to the collection and listening to Vladamir request help upgrading the Eye.

Short Sighted

Professor Drake helps perform repairs on the Eye for Vladamir.

The quest starts after after completing Further Into the Unknown and ends after talking with Vladamir. Hardly warrants a video, but one per quest is the goal.

No Sudden Moves

Professor Drake heads off to the Scow to get another artifact.

The quest starts after after completing Short Sighted and ends after adding the artifact to the collection.

High Price to Pay

Professor Drake decides to defend the Lodge from the Hunter instead of the Eye, poor Sam...

The quest starts after after completing No Sudden Moves and ends after building the armillary on the ship.


Professor Drake follows the path of the pilgrim to find Unity and finds the Hunter instead.

The quest starts after after completing High Price to Pay and ends when encountering the Hunter in the Scorpius system.

In Their Footsteps

After speaking with the Emissary and the Hunter, Professor Drake opted not to choose sides between them.

The quest starts after after completing Unity and ends when heading to leave the Starborn vessel.


Professor Drake heads off to Earth's moon for some background and then to NASA to collect another artifact.

The quest starts after after completing In Their Footsteps and ends after completing Entangled.

Final Glimpses

Professor Drake returns to the lodge for more artifact locations.

The quest starts after completing NASA and ends after completing Entangled.


Professor Drake completes the experiment at Nishina and recovers the artifact.

The quest starts when accepting a hail from the satellite at Freya III and ends after recovering the artifact.


Professor Drake heads to Masada III and the buried temple.

The quest starts when completing Entangled and ends after exiting the temple.