Upon speaking with Kelton, he asks for assistance and Professor Drake agrees to assist.
The quest beings by agreeing to help Kelton and ends upon conversing with him following his evaluation of the collected sensors.
Upon speaking with Nyssa, she asks for assistance and Professor Drake agrees to assist.
The quest beings by agreeing to help Nyssa and ends upon returning the shipment to her. There are several ways to do it:
Upon speaking with Louisa, Professor Drake agrees to help her troubleshoot the electrical grid in the well.
The quest beings by agreeing to help Louisa and ends upon returning to her after switching off the indicated circuits.
After helping Louisa track the issue to the Trade Authority, she asks Professor Drake to come with her. He then assists in finding the actual cause and returning the data.
The quest beings when you talk to Louisa while she's walking away and ends upon returning to her (or the Trade Authority) with the data from the terminal.
Professor Drake helps an injured man find his way home on behalf of the House of the Enlightened.
The quest beings when you talk Andy Singh at the House of Enlightened and ends when you get Tahir near his home.
Professor Drake offers assist Kelton in acquiring additional data about the trees.
The quest beings when you agree to retrieve the data and ends when it is returned.
There are options:
Professor Drake stops by Enhance and agrees to help Warner find a lost data slate filled with PII data.
The quest begins by telling Warner that it's good that he keeps the data safe and ends upon returning the data slot.
Professor Drake offers to assist SSNN with interviews in the Well.
The quest begins by asking Nadia what stories she's currently working on and then offering to do the interviews for her. It ends after returning to her with the information.
You may note in the vid that another quest was also started "A Light in the Darkness" which won't be detailed here because the events that trigger returning additoinal stories
are things that occur in the normal course of the game.
Professor Drake offers to checkout the suspicious activities for Theresa at Kay's.
The quest begins when speaking to Theresa for the SSNN interviews in Primary Sources and ends after telling her security is on patrol.
Professor Drake offers to help Nurse O'Shea by retrieving notes from the doctor at Reliant Medical.
The quest begins when speaking to Nurse O'Shea for the SSNN interviews in Primary Sources and ends after delivering the notes to her.
Professor Drake decides to help Guillaume get his prized gem back.
The quest begins when speaking with Guillaume and ends upon returning his gem to him.
Professor Drake agrees to acquire a branch of a tree from Akila City.
The quest begins when speaking with Keltn and ends upon returning a sample of the tree to him.
Professor Drake decides to pay a visit to the Mantis' secret lair.
The quest begins when finding "The Secret Outpost Slate" on a spacer corpse and ends when approaching the Razorleaf.
Professor Drake assists the UC Surplus store in ridding itself of a certain pair of boots.
The quest begins by talking to Antonio after overhearing the coversation about them being bad luck and ends after returning to him from the Den.
Professor Drake assists Joyce by clearing ice from the wind turbines.
The quest begins by talking to Joyce and ends after clearing five ice chunks and returning to Joyce. This is periodically repeatable with the only variation being the specific locations of the ice.
Professor Drake assists Luthor by picking up some special sauce for him.
The quest begins by talking to Luthor and ends after returning with the sauce. This is periodically repeatable with the only variation being the specific location of the sauce.
Professor Drake assists Giuliana by scaring tourists for her.
The quest begins by talking to Giuliana and ends after returning. This is periodically repeatable with the only variation being the specific location of the tourists.
Professor Drake acquires Dragonstar Force first edition book for Mitch.
The quest begins by talking to Mitch and ends after returning with the book. This quest can be repeated 30 times. Only one video will be included, the difference is in the location of the shop selling the next book. It is randomized, so it is possible to get the same location ten times in a row. For this playthrough, the books were at the following locations:
Professor Drake agrees to put up Space Frog posters for Renee.
The quest begins by talking to Renee and ends after returning to her.
Professor Drake agrees to find the Berry Mule for Jane in Cydonia.
The quest begins by talking to Jane and ends when returning to her after recovering the ship and pilot.
Professor Drake agrees to delivery birth presents to Logan Cullen from her brother the UC Marine stationed at Cydonia.
The quest begins by talking to Chris Cullen in Cydonia and ends when delivering the gifts to Logan in New Atlantis.
Professor Drake agrees to find a new recruit and a habitable planet for LIST.
The quest begins by talking to Phil Hill in Cydonia and ends after selling him survey data on an inhabitable planet.
Professor Drake agrees to investigate Denis' missing shipment.
The quest begins by talking to Denis Averin at the UC Exchange in Cydonia and ends after returning to him having checked the good and cleared all the heat leaches. Denis has a repeatable fetch quests; however, at some point one of the patches broke the quests. At release, when looting the target container, all required quest items were looted. Now, the quest will mark as complete, but only one of the desired items will be in inventory making it impossible to turn in. For this reason, Professor Drake will be skipping the repeatable quest and not doing it even one time.
Professor Drake helps the tracker agent in Cydonia by planting a sensor on top of the Mars launch tower.
The quest begins by talking to tracker agent in Cydonia and ends after returning to her having checked placed the sensor.
Professor Drake helps Trevor in his scheme to get new mining equipment.
The quest begins by talking to Trevor in Cydonia and ends after returning to her having obained the job as Peter's assistant.
Professor Drake continues helps Trevor in his attempts to get new mining equipment. This time, he has to deal with a bunch of runaround to obtain a package for Peter.
The quest begins when Red Tape Blues completes and ends upon approving the order for new equipment.
Professor Drake continues helps Trevor in his attempts to get new mining equipment. This time, he has to deal with an upset miner that stole the equipment.
The quest begins when Red Tape Runaround completes and ends upon returning to Trevor after either killing Hank or turning him in to security.
Professor Drake goes in search of the fabled heart of Mars.
The quest begins when speaking to Laylah and ends upon returning the heart to her.
Professor Drake helps Rivkah mend her relationship with her father so that she can get the medical treatment that she needs.
The quest begins when speaking to Rivkah and ends upon returning to her after convincing her father.
Professor Drake helps get annual psych evals completed for Deimos.
The quest begins when speaking to Gilly and ends upon returning to her after getting the evals completed.
Professor Drake fetches a beer for Sandra on Deimos Staryard.
The quest begins when speaking to Sandra and ends upon returning to her with a Jake's Stout.
Professor Drake agrees to fetch coffee beans from the digestive track of an alien predator.
The quest begins when speaking to Markieff Sutherland at Dawn's Roost and ends upon returning to him with the beans.
Professor Drake helps secure an investor for Nyssa's new drink and invests as well.
The quest begins when speaking to Nyssa and ends after investing in her venture.
Walter asked Professor Drake to get his new starship design back on track. The professor decided to go with the kitchen sink approach and gets rewarded by receiving the first off the assembly line.
The quest begins when speaking to Walter and ends after returning with a design completed.
Professor Drake assists Helena at the Reliant Medical center in Gagarin find a missing courier.
The quest begins when speaking to Helena and ends after returning with her empty pacakge.
After returning to Helena with the empty package, she asks Professor Drake to track down a missing employee, one Bonifac Maksimov on Hawley.
The quest begins after completing Missed Connections and ends upon returning to Helena.
Professor Drake agrees to passout UC Vanguard recruiting materials and attempt to convince the recipients to display them. Not much luck on that front.
The quest begins when speaking with Zinaida in Gagarin Landing and ends after returning to her.
Professor Drake agrees to help Lizzy by collecting booze from a derelict ship.
The quest begins when speaking with Lizzy in Gagarin Landing and ends after returning to her.
Professor Drake helps Nyssa secure a location for mass production of her new drink.
The quest begins when speaking with Nyssa at the Viewport in New Atlantis and ends when returning to her after dealing with the squatters.
Professor Drake helps the Low House in the Stretch in Akila City.
The quest begins when speaking with Amira at the Low House in the Stretch in Akila City and ends when delivering wheat to Simone.
Professor Drake helps Sarah Filburn sabotage her husband's beer.
The quest begins when overhearing a guard complaining about the Filburns fighting and ends after successfully sabotaging the beer batch.
Professor Drake helps Annie Wilcox solve the Great Laredo Caper!
The quest begins when overhearing two girls talking that call for your help. It ends when returning to Annie at the Rock with news of the theif's capture.
Professor Drake helps Keoni plant sensors around the Akila walls so she can gather evidence that electronics can help with security.
The quest begins when overhearing an argument between Davis and Keoni and ends after getting the guard to vacate the tower long enough for Keoni to update the system.
Professor Drake helps Akila City Security with Ashta troubles only to discover it was internal sabotage.
The quest begins when finishing Defensive Measures and ends after discovering who reprogrammed the security bot.
Professor Drake helps Akila City Security with an oversized Ashta discovered by Keoni's tech.
The quest begins when finishing False Positives and ends after killing the alpha ashta and returning to Keoni.
Professor Drake helps the mayor of Akila City resolve a real estate issue.
The quest begins when overhearing someone mention the mayor looking for assistance and ends after returning to the mayor with the Sahar's will.
Professor Drake helps the Marko gain employment.
The quest begins when overhearing someone mention Marko and ends when returning to him with a solution.
Professor Drake speaks with Cdr. Tuala on behalf of Bastien Graff.
The quest begins by speaking with Bastien Graff at the Den and ends when returning to him with news about his new "commendation."
Professor Drake puts up Vae Victis posters in the Well on behalf of Orval Romack at the Den.
The quest begins by speaking with Orval and ends after returning to him having placed the posters.
Professor Drake busts some rocks to make room for affordable housing.
The quest begins by speaking with Mr. Tate and simply saying "Nice to meet you. Goodbye." and ends after returning to him having cleared the rocks.
Professor Drake heads out to assist some LIST settlers with a spacer problem and helps them to build a defense pact.
The quest begins by receving a broadcast in the system and ends after clearing the spacers and returning to Alban.
Professor Drake heads back to Paradiso to meet with the security chief to discuss his call for help and ends up helping a 200 year old colony ship in orbit.
The quest begins by receving a broadcast the first time in orbit around Porrima II and ends when you resolve the conflict with Paradiso in one of three ways:
Professor Drake agrees to help Kumar at Cafe Luxe in Paradiso acquire a new tea recipe from a Tranquilitea sommolier.
The quest begins by talking to Kumar at the Cafe Luxe and ends after returning with the tea recipe.
Professor Drake agrees to help Dirk find lost guest items.
The quest begins by talking to Dirk at the front desk in Paradiso and ends when returning to him with all the lost items.
Professor Drake agrees to fetch air filters for Emilian at Paradiso and winds up needing to repair the computer at the warehouse before his claim could be verified.
The quest begins by talking to Emilian in Paradiso, he wanders around a bit. It ends when you return the filters to him.
Professor Drake heads out to the Elios Retreat and helps find a missing construction worker.
The quest begins by talking to Sloan at the Elios Retreat and ends after speaking with Sloan following the return of the worker.
Professor Drake continues to help Elios by tracking down the kidnappers.
The quest begins while speaking with Sloan after Dead Stop completes and completes after returning to Sloan again.
Professor Drake continues to help Elios by returning to the Tracker's base and attempting to persuade them to leave Elios alone.
The quest begins while speaking with Sloan after Ghost Hunt completes and completes after returning to Sloan again.
Professor Drake heads off to Akila to talk to the benefactor of the retreat.
The quest begins while speaking with Sloan after Exorcism completes and ends after speaking with Reisha.
Professor Drake responds to the distress call from the Charybdis system and finds a town of clones.
The quest begins when arriving in orbit around Charybdis III and ends after deciding how to handle the Facility and potentially returning to the Crucible (depending on your choices).
"Wyatt Earp" lures Professor Drake out of town in an attempt to murder him to keep his real identity secret...didn't work out well for him.
The quest begins when hearing Wyatt say he needs to speak with you and ends after you talk him down or kill him.
Professor Drake agrees to pass out flyers for Saburo.
The quest begins when offering to help Saburo and ends when returning to him after passing out five flyers.
Professor Drake offers to talk to Dietrich Seighart on behalf of James Newill to get him to stop bribing security.
The quest begins when offering to help James and ends when returning to him after convincing Seighart.
Professor Drake convinces Saburo to accept his loan repayment from Clover MacKenna.
The quest begins when offering to help Clover and ends upon returning after Saburo agrees. You can pursuade him or show him her diary.
Professor Drake agrees to help Tevin with his Headlock problem
The quest begins when offering to help Tevin and ends upon returning after dealing with Headlock (persuade or kill).
Professor Drake agrees to help Frank Renick get compensated for the paint damage to his robot Styx.
The quest begins when offering to help Frank and ends upon returning after dealing with the Warlord (persuade or kill).
Professor Drake talks a stoner into returning Borealus' music slate.
The quest begins when offering to help Borealus and ends upon returning after retrieving the slate.
Professor Drake helps Katherine find out what really happen to her husband.
The quest begins when offering to help Katherine and ends upon returning after dealing with Rusty.
Professor Drake helps Reliant Medical in Neon acquire some medical supplies.
The quest begins when offering to help Joseph Manning and ends upon returning after retrieving the supplies from the Clinic.
Professor Drake delivers Neshar's package for him and then deals with Felix for Yannick.
The quest begins the first time entering Neon and observing security detaining Neshar. It ends upon returning to Yannick after dealing with Felix.
Professor Drake takes a job at Xenofresh and produces aurora before meeting the contact for Yannick's packages.
The quest begins upon completion of Loose Ends and ends after talking with Benjamin Bayu.
Professor Drake completes another shift at Xenofresh and fetches Yannick's package.
The quest begins upon completion of Fishy Business and ends after returning Yannick's package. This is repeatable, periodically an activity will pop up to talk to Yannick again.
Professor Drake completes joins the Ebbside Strikers.
The quest begins when accosted by Digger trying to score some credits for unsolicited advice and ends after completing their trial mission.
Professor Drake hacks some signs for the Srikers.
The quest begins when finishing The Audition and ends when you return to Briggs.
Professor Drake gets the Strikers some armor and takes out some Disciples.
The quest begins when finishing Display of Power and ends after Neon Security recruits the Disciples.
Professor Drake collects a weapon and sells it to the Trade Authority on behalf of Manaia Adams.
The quest begins when talking to Manaia at the Astral Lounge and ends after returning to Manaia.
Professor Drake collects Sam's stuff.
The quest begins after High Price to Pay and ends when you loot something from the trunk in the basement of the Lodge.
Professor Drake takes Barrett to get a power.
The quest begins after speaking with Barrett and him asking for a power. It ends after completing the temple.
Professor Drake finds Maddie's ring for Bog.
The quest begins after speaking with Bog and ends when returning the ring to him.
Professor Drake joins the experiment and has to escape the station.
The quest begins after accepting the project at Volii Chi.
Professor Drake attends Sam's wake.
The quest begins after High Price to Pay (wait several days) and ends
Professor Drake grabs some samples for Percival.
The quest begins after speaking with Percival and ends after returning the samples to the team member waiting outside the TMD HQ.
Professor Drake finds Hamza's missing slate.
The quest begins after speaking with Hamza and agreeing to help and ends after returning the slate to him.
Professor Drake convinces the tracker to let Adella Faheem go and tells her to return the cargo.
The quest begins after speaking with Adella outside Hopetech in Hopetown. It ends after returning to her with the news.
Professor Drake turns in the last piece of evidence to Lt. Toft aboard the UC Vigilant thus ending the quest.
This begins when the UC SysDef quests begin and ends when all pieces have been turned in.
Professor Drake offers to help Janet get out of her debt to Paradiso.
The quest begins after speaking with Janet but only if they've settled in Paradiso.
Professor Drake delivers news stories to SSNN.
The quest begins after speaking Nada at SSNN and ends after delivering all of the news pieces: The Scow, Galbank Robbery, Terrormorph Attack, Attack on the Key and Ron Hope's death.
Professor Drake delivers a letter to Julia in Paradiso for Janet.
The quest begoms when Janet finds you in New Atlantis.
Professor Drake hears a bizzare broadcast and follows the coordinates.
The quest begins when approaching an SSNN broadcast beacon with the creation installed (Official Bethesda content). It ends after escaping the research center.
Professor Drake gets a lesson in smuggling.
The quest begins when speaking with Sal Rickman at The Pit Stop in Hopetown about work. It ends when speaking with Tom Starrett in Akila City after successfully passing a contraband scan.
Professor Drake gets helps an aspiring reporter.
The quest begins when speaking with Tommy Bitlow at the Spaceport in New Atlantis. It ends when returning to Tommy following the delivery of his "news" articles.